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CrossFire Fusion Reactor - Core Assembly
Patent Pending PCT/IB2008/054254
Patent Pending PCT/IB2008/054254
The CrossFire Fusion Reactor uses six superconducting magnets to form a magnetic cusp region where positive ions are injected. At the magnetic cusp region, a negative voltage is applied, and at the opposite end of each magnet, a positive voltage is applied. The ions are accelerated electrostatically towards the negative potential passing through the magnetic cusp reaching the chamber interior, where the ions are confined radially by magnetic fields, and longitudinally by electric fields. The ion injection is done continuously, surrounding the magnetic cusp region to perform a three-dimensional injection. The positive voltage is controlled to confine only reactants, thus allowing the products from the fusion reactions to escape.
Comparison to previous concepts

CrossFire Fusion Reactor - Superconducting Magnet
The initial design was originally based on a stellated polyhedron, accelerating electrostatically reactants inwardly to the central edges and products escaping from the peripheral vertices, after overcoming the electric fields. Magnets were added to act as Penning Trap on the distal ends, and to act as a magnetic mirror at the core region, confining efficiently the plasma while allowing surrounding ion injection, and controlled escaping.
Apparatus and Operation

CrossFire Fusion Reactor - Power Plant
In terms of operation, the set of ion sources ionizes the fusion fuel exchanging electrons with the electric ground potential producing positive ions. The positive ions fall down toward inwardly the core region, passing through the magnetic cusps, reaching the chamber interior where the ions are confined radially by magnetic fields and trapped longitudinally by electric fields at the end of each magnet. The ions describe a helical orbit around the magnetic field lines, keeping away from the magnet walls. The magnetic cusps act as a magnetic mirror and the continuous ion injection makes the confinement at this region more efficient yet, i.e., the ions do not escape through the cusps due to magnetic mirror effect and continuous ion injection. When a fusion reaction takes place, its charged products overcome the confinement electric field, and can be directed for electricity production and propulsion.
Power Generation

Furthermore, the fusion products, after being neutralized, can thrust a spacecraft directly, providing an ISP of over 1 million seconds.[10]
- Possibility of using advanced fusion fuels[11] like hydrogen-boron and Helium-3[12] producing low neutron hazards.
- No inner grid[13], no recirculation of electrons to cause excessive cusp losses and Bremsstrahlung radiation[14], more a well-defined voltage setup allowing a great electrostatic acceleration with low energy consumption.
- Escape mechanism suitable for electricity generation and propulsion.
- Moderate energy consumption, continuous operation, which implies in a possibility of net gain, i.e., chance to have come close to the break-even point at which the device releases as much energy as is required to sustain a fusion reaction.
- The magnetic fields necessary to confine the plasma should be generated preferably by superconducting magnets, in order to sustain a controlled nuclear fusion reaction.
- In case of aneutronic fusion, the magnet bore coating should be composed of alternate layers of tungsten and boron carbide(W/B4C)[15][16][17], in order to reflect Bremsstrahlung radiation, mostly in X-ray range, back to plasma.
- The armature must be robust to hold the magnets, because the opposite magnetic fields to bottle the ions are very strong, tending to force the magnets apart.
- The fuel should be ionized with a predefined charge-to-mass ratio, and basic calculations must be done for dimensioning magnetic flux and electric voltages.[18]
- The charge-to-mass ratio should be as low as possible, keeping the plasma in a quasi-neutral state, which requires stronger magnetic and electric fields.
- The fuel injection must be well-dosed in small quantity, in order to prevent uncontrolled magnetic reconnection that could damage the magnets.[19]
Basic Calculation
Nuclear fusion energy can be most commonly released from fusion fuels such as hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, helium, lithium, beryllium and boron. The isotopes having potential for third generation fusion fuel are hydrogen-1, helium-3[20], lithium-6, lithium-7 and boron-11:[6][21]Reactants | Products | Energy Density | ||||||||||
1H | + 2 | 6 | Li | → | 4He + ( 3He + 6Li) → 3 4He + 1H | + | 20.9 | MeV | 153 | TJ/kg | 42 | GWh/kg) |
1H | + | 7 | Li | → 2 | 4He | + | 17.2 | MeV | 204 | TJ/kg | 56 | GWh/kg) |
3He | + | 3 | He | → | 4He + 2 1H | + | 12.9 | MeV | 205 | TJ/kg | 57 | GWh/kg) |
1H | + | 11 | B | → 3 | 4He | + | 8.7 | MeV | 66 | TJ/kg | 18 | GWh/kg) |
The aneutronic reactions showed above are of notable interest due to low emission of neutrons, production of charged particles in the primary reactions, that can be directly convertible into electricity.[22][9]
Examples of boron hydrides are diborane B2H6, pentaborane B5H9, and decaborane B10H14.
The following example of calculation use pentaborane (B5H9):
Electronvolt (eV) is a unit of energy and Volt (V) is a unit of electric voltage.
Electronvolt to Joule: 1 eV = 1.60218×10-19J
Electronvolt to temperature: 1 eV = 11604.505 Kelvin → 1 eV = 11604.505 K -273.15 = 11331.355 °C
Electronvolt to mass: 1 eV = 1.782662×10-36 kg → 1 MeV = 1.782662×10-30 kg
particle | charge | mass |
proton | +1.60218×10-19 C | 1.67262×10-27 kg |
neutron | 0 C | 1.67493×10-27 kg |
electron | -1.60218×10-19 C | 0.00091×10-27 kg |
11B mass= 5 protons + 5 electrons + 6 neutrons =
- 5×1.67262×10-27 + 5×0.00091×10-27 + 6×1.67493×10-27 = 18.41723×10-27 kg
- 1×1.67262×10-27 + 1×0.00091×10-27 = 1.67353×10-27 kg
Specific energy of pentaborane (eV/kg):
- 5 × (8.68MeV-123keV) / (107.14792×10-27 kg) = 3.99308×1032 eV/kg
- 3.99308×1032 × 1.60218 ×10-19 = 63.97633×1012 J/kg
- 63.97633×1012 / (3.6×106) = 17.77120×106 kWh/kg = 17.77120 GWh/kg
- 107.14792×10-27 -3×0.00091×10-27 = 107.14519×10-27 kg
- 3×1.60218×10-19 / 107.14519×10-27 = +4.48600×106 C/kg
Using the specific energy to find the velocity of products from nuclear reaction:
- E=½mv2 → v= ((E/m) × 2)0.5 → v= ((63.97633×1012) ×2) 0.5 → v=11.31162×106 m/s
Defining the magnet bore about 0.9 meter (0.45 meter of internal radius) and using the charge-to-mass ratio to find magnetic flux:
- r=mv/qB → r= (v/B) × (m/q) → r= (v/B) / (q/m) → B=v/(r × (q/m)) →
- B=11.31162×106 / (0.45×4.48600×106) = 5.60341 Teslas
Calculation of a negative voltage for electrostatic acceleration of the positive ions to gain enough kinetic energy, at least 123keV, hence 550keV should be enough:
- E = q×V → V=E/q → V= (E/m)/ (q/m) →
- V= ((5×550keV×1.60218×10-19)/107.14519×10-27)/ 4.48600×106 = 916.66667×103 Volts
- Temperature: 550×103× (11604.505 K -273.15) = 6.23224 billion °C
Calculation of a positive voltage to trap longitudinally the reactants allowing the charged products to escaping. A kinetic energy choice between reactants 550keV and products 8.68MeV could be something about 1.5MeV:
- E = q×V → V=E/q → V= (E/m)/ (q/m) →
- V= ((5×1.5MeV×1.60218×10-19)/107.14519×10-27)/ 4.48600×106 = 2500×103 Volts
- V = 2500×103 - 920 kV = 1580×103 Volts
The consumption of a fusion reactor at power of 500MWatts using a fuel with specific energy of 63.97633×1012J/kg:
- 500MW = 500×106 J/s → 500×106 J/s / 63.97633×1012 J/kg = 7.81539×10-6 kg/s
- Ion source current: 7.81539×10-6 kg/s × 4.48600×106 C/kg = 35.05989 C/s
Cyclotron frequency: f= qB/ (2πm) = (q/m) × (B/2π) = 4.48600×106 × 6/ (2×3.14159) = 4.28382 MHz
Magnetic pressure: pm = B2/2µ° = 62/ (2×4π×10-7) = 14.32394×106 J/m3
- 14.32394×106 / 101325 = 141.36634 atmospheres
See also
- Magnetic Confinement
- Inertial Electrostatic Confinement
- Alternating-gradient focusing
- Particle Accelerator
- Aneutronic Fusion
- Magnetic Confinement
- Inertial Electrostatic Confinement
- Penning Trap
- Particle Accelerator
- Proton–proton chain reaction
- Triple-alpha process
- Carbon-nitrogen cycle
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- US4,233,537 (PDF version) (1980-11-11) Rudolf Limpaecher, Multicusp plasma containment apparatus.
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